Saturday, June 21, 2008

Please, Make Your Kid Stop!

One of the OpEds that ran in today's Times was a wonderfully personal insight into what is happening in flood-ravaged towns in the Midwest. Particularly interesting is that it is written by a local contractor who must have simply taken the time to write down his thoughts and impression -- and in doing so gave the rest of the country, and even the world, a remarkably clear window into his experience. This man should consider a second career in short stories. 

In other news, Huzzah! Kate returned with me today to the pottery painting place, so my great fear earlier this week has, thankfully, not been actualized. In fact, we each painted three pieces all of which I fully expect to be placed on the "Wall of Fame" -- except my rice bowl which inadvertently ended up looking like an interpretation of Dante's Inferno. No joke, totally accidental. Maybe that one gets gifted. 

Unfortunately, our long stay subjected us to some of the most annoying children walking the planet today. I really don't understand how parents can put up with such annoying behaviors, let alone lack the courtesy to allow it to continue and disturb every other person in a 30 mile radius (which, I swear, is how far this one girl's horrid voice carried). Please parents, for the love of God,  have mercy on us all! Kate and I are seriously considering authoring a book--an Emily's Post Guide of sorts on how to remember that you and your children are not the only beings walking the earth. We'll title it: You're Child Is A Brat: Things That Others Want To Tell You But Are Too Polite--So We Will. It may be difficult to entirely fit on a cover, but the whole sentiment is important, I think. 

1 comment:

Suburban Sweetheart said...

Seriously. So much ridiculosity happening in that pottery painting venue.