No Laughing Matter: Judith Warner attends a McCain/ Palin rally and discovers there's much to be worried about.
Mississippi's Ballot Trick: some insanely insidious efforts by conservative power-players down south to brazenly fix an election.
The Palin-Whatshisname Ticket: What the choice of Palin says about the ticket, in a political theory sense.
Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes: Everything you need to know to know Palin.
Will Palin Get the Same Scrutiny Hilary Got?: Of course she won't. The people who "scrutinized" Hilary (and let's be clear again for the record, it was less scrutiny, and more downright hostile sexism) are the very people who are Palin's biggest supporters. The conservative talking heads are the most hypocritical vicious critics I've ever seen. I genuinely feel personally hated and disparaged.
Sigh. 44ish days to go.