Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My time of day is the (almost) night time of day

My favorite time of day is the hour before sunset. The light becomes golden, the shadows turn warm, and there is often a friendly breeze swirling the air. I can easily imagine myself swinging gently in a hammock on a porch as the trees sway happily nearby, their bark still warm from the lingering sun. I'm holding a cup of tea as I look up from my book to catch the first tinges of pink creeping into the blue sky. Magic things happen in this time. 

As I walked home today, enjoying the glorious pre-sunset weather, a woman stopped me on U street and asked me to look at the back side of this young guy who had just passed by--an unusual request to be sure. But she was so astonished by just how low he was wearing his shorts (completely under his butt) that she had to share the sight with someone--anyone!--and I was the closest at hand. I had to agree with her, these kids these days--what on earth are they thinking? Besides, if you're going to let it all hang out like that, at least pick a more interesting pair of underwear than plain maroon. Even plaid would be more exciting. 

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