Thursday, July 13, 2006

For those West Wing fans out there:

Remember that episode where they're putting a poll in the field (I think it's the first season) and the opening scene is all of the main characters frantically editing and arguing over the wording of the questions and they keep saying that a particular question is "asymmetrical"? The question was do you think the country is "heading in the right direction or getting off track"? and CJ says that the question has been used for years and is proven to be an accurate predictor of the way respondants actually feel. Well, a survey we're working on now asks that very question about an initiative and it's making me think that the scene in the West Wing was evidence of a Frank Luntz contribution. How terribly exciting!

In other news, I watched an episode of Doogie Howser yesterday, my friend Sam purchased Season 2 and clearly we had to break it open. Insanity! I only vaguely remember the show from when it was on, but I do recall really liking it. It was hilarious to watch because the show was so obviously made in the 80s, complete with "lesson-learning" music that rivals what plays when the Tanners learn their big lesson in minute 23 of all Full House episodes. But more, Niel Patrick Harris was soooooo young! It was ridiculous to be looking at such a young version of a face I know so well. But even then he had gravitas and could deliver a line well, even if it was incredibly cheezy or a lip-synch to "Monster Mash." I kid you not.

Yesterday I received not one, but two birthday cards. Both from Janine. What's that you say? My birthday was three weeks ago and therefore terribly old news? Well, indeed. However, apparantly Janine had some difficulties with the U.S. mail services and something about camping which prevented said birthday card from arriving in a timely manner. A very funny facebook wall-post conversation resulted in an attempt to explain and understand the difficulties. However, the belated birthday cards made it feel like my special day lasted forever, and therefore the tardiness is excused.

Tonight I am going with my mom and sister to see my new cousin (just married into the family) in an off-broadway play, the quality of which I am slightly dubious. It's a collection of short plays that combine to form an ode to photography, or something like that. Though I like to think of myself as an open person, one thing I have realized that I am not particularly fond of is experimental, overly-artsy, or even just plain mediocre theater. Discovered this when I was obligated to watch an off- off-broadway performance of Macbeth and just couldn't get past the fact that the witches were wearing sand-colored unitards splattered with forest green paint and talked to their own hands when conversing with their "familiars." Dunsinane Castle will never be the same in my mind. It will also be weird to watch someone I actually know perform in a real production as opposed to college plays where it is acceptable to cheer obnoxiously when your friends make their entrances. I fear my conduct tonight may be less than emily post-caliber. I also fear I may fall asleep as the Doogie Howser watching kept me out until past 1am. I also slept like a rock and nearly broke the alarm in dismay when it went off this morning. Too early. Work starts too too early. I demand minimum wage laws be ammended to include a 10am workday-start statute. I hate waking up.

I've decided that today's word of the day is co-dependent. Must be said in small, British voice like Bridget Jones' friend in the first movie (played by actress who also does Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potters) , otherwise it doesn't count. I also like reciprocity.

Ew. I just looked up the 10-day weather and it's basically going to be more of the same throughout. Very humid and scattered thunderstorms. I am horribly disappointed as I finally have a weekend all to myself and I fully intended to go out and enjoy the sunshine and summer breeze, but now it looks like I'm not going to want to be outside for anything. Bah.

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